
Happy Anniversary AthosCraft

Hey everyone,

It’s a very important day today on AthosCraft, as we celebrate the 4th Anniversary since itss creation in 2018. Not many servers are as lucky as we are to have survived as long as we have done. So it’s an amazing accomplishment to still see it thriving as it does today.

We have a come a long way, starting out as a small realm founded by ArseyRC, and to slowly grow to become a great and fun server for many adults to relax and enjoy building together, thanks to the efforts of our current leadership group, run by Atlaskes as the current Chief Mugwump.

As one of the oldest recruited members to still be active on the server, I have found my time here to be truly amazing. I have gotten to meet many new people, each with their own unique styles of play, and feel as though I have learnt much from many of our members over the last 4 years.

With Minecraft Live just around the corner, I believe Minecraft still has much to offer us, much like what we had received back in June with the 1.19 release, where we enjoyed exploring the deep dark, fighting off many wardens, and exploring the new swamp terrain for our wonderful new frog friends.

We don’t know what Mojang has in store for us as of yet, however I’m sure many on the server, like myself, are keen to see where AthosCraft will go next, and what wonderful and interesting builds we will get up to in the future.

Looking forward to the what is to come. Happy Anniversary AthosCraft!!

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