The Purple Line

*by Ngarvi Longbeard*

It is not faster. It is not safer. And it is certainly not easy to build. But building and riding rails a long distance through various biomes is a cherished mode of travel. A rail system can provide connectivity and a sense of shared ownership of our beloved world. Rail riding slows us down, allows us to see the world, and in some cases gives our hands a break to grab a drink, have a snack, or pick our noses all while travelling smoothly to our destination!

With a massive start by Tonystar73 and Tellis in the Shopping District, Ngarvi took much inspiration and began to work on a rail from the Acropolis (Ngarvi’s base) toward the SD. To better understand the magnitude of this project, the Acropolis is 3000 blocks west and 1000 blocks south of Spawn. With over 4000 blocks of double rail to lay down, over 125 stacks of rail and powered rail were crafted, over 6 stacks of levers, and over 185 stacks of Tuff Block were placed.

With a bunch of help from Tonystar73 and Hillmanunited, the Tuff path was completed and the route was confirmed for ***the Purple Line***, a rail that heads west from the Shopping District, connecting the Build Competition area, DCstar’s desert base, the Community Hole, Kailio’s base, and continues all the way to the Acropolis where the traveller will enjoy a station identical to the Shopping District station (and a bonus surprise for the keen observer).

While there are stretches of the rail that deserve lights and terraforming for beautification, the rails are connected and powered for eleven minutes of tranquil travelling! With an open invitation from Ngarvi to visit anytime, set aside your burdens and weary building hands and take a ride on ***the Purple Line!***

Stay tuned for an invitation for a group ride to the Acropolis, an event called ***the Purple Line Party!*** Because the only thing better than sitting in a minecart for eleven minutes is riding ***the Purple Line*** with friends!

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