Newest Citizen Shell Shocked with Oldest Athos Inhabitant

*by Qwikstreet*

The newest adventurer has just settled down hoping for some peace and quiet in Athos. Slowly did he realize that he was turtley wrong. Qwikstreet just moved in and found himself a small chunk of land to build his life. He followed the rainbow and just past the hot air balloon. “It was a perfect little spot along the water and not too secluded, or so I thought. I figured this was perfect with the rainbow and the hot air balloon. It made me think of The Wizard of Oz and how I starred in our school play of the classic,” Qwikstreet added during a recent interview.

Other than the L. Frank Baum vibe, he was also mesmerized by a large rock formation jutting off of the mountain range across the lake. Qwik built a home and positioned his view to fully take in the peculiar rock structure. Everything was quiet for weeks. One morning as he was waking from his bed, he was sturtled by a very large voyeur staring directly into his windows. Chaurli is the largest and oldest amphibian in Athos. He is actually the oldest living thing period.

“I went over and spoke briefly with the tortoise and tried to be friendly but he just snapped at me. He gradually went on and on about how the land I was on was spe-shell and has been untouched for generations and wanted to know who I thought I was for moving in. He somehow thought I was the first person to come to Athos. Look around, I clearly am not.”

Qwikstreet soon realized that turtles can’t see far on land and he just happened to be within his optical range. As the days passed, the stares and the look of disapproval grew. Every tree he chopped down, every block of soil excavated meant that an unsatisfied grunt bellowed out across the lake.

“I tried to let it not phase me and let it roll of my back but its hard with those mesmerizing eyes piercing your soul. I still get sucked into his gaze if I look back. Some mornings I can’t get out of bed because he is right there and we lock eyes.” Qwikstreet was forced to move some operations underground so he could get some work complete. “It’s very overbearing to have a turtle watch over you like a hawk.”

Athos News reached out to Chaurli. Other than terraforming land, he was not thrilled with the constant busyness from his neighbor. “Qwikstreet, I already don’t like that name. Its too fast for my speed. All he does is start some shamble of a project and moves on to something random. I mean, look at that house, the roof still isn’t complete. Or even worse, he just stands there staring at me. Its very eerie.” When asked if he would move, he huffed and said he was here legally plus it would take him another decade just to reach the shores of the lake. As our conversation with Chaurli steadily came to an end (or end of the day), he advised us he would send in any further comments via a formal letter through the snail mail express.

Qwikstreet also does not appear to be interested in moving. Not only is he planning on expanding his home, he and other fellow residents just broke ground on a new train station that will connect to the rest of our readers.

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