EXTRA! EXTRA! New Epidemic Sweeping Across Athos!

*by Atlaskes*

Health officials are racing to identify the cause of rise in Eggomania, a serious disorder that causes affected Arcadians to abandon their normal day-to-day routines and rush to the shopping district in search of Easter eggs. Several cases of Eggomania have been confirmed, and scientists are warning to stay clear of any suspicious looking eggs until properly trained epidemiologists have cleared them of traces of the very contagious disease. Several eggs have already been contained and are safely stored for further research.

Witnesses describe seeing affected individuals behaving in unsafe manners to get as many as possible of the enticing eggs that mysteriously appear in the Shopping District. Some throw all caution to the wind and climb high or dive deep in the hope of spotting an egg that has been overlooked. Affected Arcadians have even been seen sabotaging others in their frantic obsession with possessing numerous samples of each colour.

“At first we identified 6 different strains of these eggs, that differ to normal chicken eggs in size and colour. But only this morning it came to light that a 7th strain has now evolved.” Dr Molly Atlamanjhi explains.
“Please do not expose yourself to any risk. It is best to completely avoid this area *[Ed: the Shopping District]* while the eggs are still appearing. Leave the clearing of the contamination site to trained professionals.” she adds with obvious concern in her voice for the wellbeing of her fellow Arcadians.

Eggomania is a very serious and long-lasting infection that can be fatal. It can lead to hurting neck from looking up and down, and in many cases hallucinations. Healthcare workers report of many patients who claim to have seen the Easter Bunny with their own eyes. One traumatised witness reports seeing a victim hurtling themselves into the side of a building whilst screaming “The Easter Bunny is real, I tell you!”

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