Milk Price War Turns Udder Chaos: Damo vs. Mids in Bovine Battle

*by Damo*

A dairy showdown of epic proportions has erupted between local milk moguls Damo and Mids, leaving customers bewildered and authorities scrambling to contain the fallout. Damo, renowned for his commitment to freshness, proudly presents Moolan, a hand-reared cow delivering the freshest, organically sourced milk. Customers are invited to savor the experience, personally squeezing their own and filling buckets for free.

In a bid to compete, Mids slashes prices on his inventory of stale milk and introduces a cow of his own. However, the conflict takes a bizarre twist as Mids retaliates by filling Damo’s store with bald cows, casting doubt on the authenticity of Damo’s product.

Undeterred, Damo flips the situation on its head, branding the bald cows as “Award-Winning Bald Cows” and offering them for sale at a mere 3 bundles each.

Amid the chaos, there’s an anonymous call to the milk authorities over concerns of a biohazard contamination at Mids store. As a result, Mids’s store is shuttered, leaving Damo to assist authorities in airlifting the infected cow from the server, aiming to restore order to the dairy landscape once and for all.

When asked to comment, Mids reportedly stated: “Damo’s store is built on a foundation of lies and black market bald cows” and claimed that the Milk Authorities have been paid off by his competitor with funds liberated from the Pun Jar under dubious circumstances.

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